Sunday, May 1, 2011


生活就是酱,很多人就是有一天就过一天,年轻就玩多点,其实年轻就是本,该学的东西有很多,乘年轻就去学更多东西来做好以后的准备,当机会来了只会留给准备的人!其实每个人都很平凡,惟有让你变到不平凡就是比平凡人做的东西来的多,努力要多别人十倍!出来社会其实和读书是不一样的,如果说你有文凭但是出来做工只不过坐在办公室吹冷气拿一两千的工钱,买时间给老板。十年后工钱还是一样,加也只不过加那几百!其实读书和做工都一样,心态,性格还有拼,社会能不能成功是看你的办事能力和是否你的野心够不够大! so lucky bcuz can work in RAFFLES WORLDWIDE company  as consultant..i wil set my target that will sucess bfore 30 years old..  im learn a lot things that can be used in social life,i will prove that no just cert can use when u come for work,i will prove for them who study hard! i oso nid to thanks my head..kenny ng for guide me thur tis few month,im was so suffer for tis few month but its worth,nw i can incharge own sales own closing skil own hope i can naik pangkat at may n having own team at least 3 man power !! n i oso will work smart for upgrade my salary..i think 3k permonth is no enuf ...v must look far hope can let my wife having a smooth life...SK, i promise you that i will marry u when my salary will over 7k,i blieve that every ppl oso have 24 hour but v mz use the time for finding more money..either you can sucess ornt,its depend on your planning !!